. the signing of a formalized contract between Manitoba Hydro and the federal government. The federal Clean Energy Fund was established in May 2009 as an investment in technology .
. with a local economic development agency to see if they have any funds available for technology . questions concerning how to do business with federal government technology funds local, state and federal government .
The Texas Emerging Technology Fund (often abbreviated as TETF or ETF) is a technology . partnerships which leverage the unique strengths of universities, federal government grant .
The Government of Canada, through Western Economic Diversification Canada, has committed $3 million to the University of Alberta (U of A) to explore the testing and validation .
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The federal government on . Technology; Media; Small Business; Legal; Deals . Federal government sends healthcare funds to worried states
Private Equity, Hedge Funds & Mutual Funds . U.S. Federal Government Helping government help America . Technology trends 2011: A federal perspective
Supplement 1: The Evolution and Impact of Federal Government Support for R&D in Broad Outline - Allocating Federal Funds for Science and Technology
. linked with $840 billion in federal recovery funds, a . helped set up the federal government's . 17 analysts track recovery funds and their recipients using technology .
federal government grants, federal government grants federal government technology funds program : technology grant news . Federal Government. The Capacity Building Track provides funds to .
News: Why doesn't federal government fully fund special ed? | percent, fund, federal, government . Politics and Government | Science | Technology | Videos | World
. for federal grants, educational technology grant, federal grant money . of education, as well as to fund public access . from U.S. government federal agencies, as featured .
Federal Government Cuts and Refocuses Programs The Conservative . programs, including the scandal-ridden Technology Partnerships Canada
program. Unused Funds
Last week at the mHealth summit, the federal government announced plans to launch an online health data website. Todd Park, CTO at the Department of Health and Human Services .
Federal Government Contract/Grants/Purchasing /Minority reqirements for . of Information Act", you could request if the PA College of Technology is using federal funds for .
In 2004 $105 Billion was spend for Research and Development activities for small businesses.
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